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Add Overlay Color to Parallax Background In Divi

Blog, Divi Tutorial | 0 comments

In this article I will share the steps to add a background overlay or gradient overlay to background images that have parallax effect enabled in Divi.

Adding an overlay to a Background image is really easy in Divi. All you have to do is set a Background Color and then set the Background Blend Mode to Overlay.

However this does not work if Parallax Effect is set to Yes in the Background settings.

I will share a simple trick to add an overlay on background images that have a Parallax Effect.

Add Overlay Color to Parallax Background

To add a simple overlay on top of the Background Image in a Section or Row, open the Settings > Advanced > Custom CSS > Before and then add the below code.

background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);

You can change the values in the 7th line background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); to change the color and opacity of the overlay on top of the image.

Here is a screenshot to help you find exactly where to add the code if you are not sure.

CSS code for overlay color on parallax background Divi

Add Gradient Overlay to Parallax Background

The code to add a gradient overlay to a parallax background is very similar to the code above. However writing the css code for gradient is not easy.

Luckily you can use CSSGradient.io to generate the css code for the gradient.

You have to use the controls at the top of style the gradient and then copy the CSS from the CSS box below the controls. Please see the below screenshot.

Gradient css code from gradientcss.io

Next you just have to replace the background line from the code above with the background css that you copied from CSSGradient.io website.

In my case the updated would be

background: rgb(9,9,121);
background: linear-gradient(50deg, rgba(9,9,121,0.5) 46%, rgba(0,212,255,0.5) 46%);

This is how it will look at the end.

Overlay gradient on parallax background in Divi

You might also like to check one of the Divi tutorials below.

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  3. How to create an Image Carousel in Divi

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About the Author

The author of learnhowwp.com is a WordPress expert with over a decade of experience, specializing in Divi. Since 2014, they have built numerous WordPress sites and developed 8 Divi plugins with over 30,000 active installations. A former support team member at Elegant Themes, they launched learnhowwp.com in 2020 to share their in-depth knowledge of Divi. Now home to over 65+ articles dedicated to Divi tutorials and insights


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