by | Jul 10, 2021 | Blog, Divi Tutorial
In this article I will share the steps to change logo on hover in Divi theme. This article is specifically about the logo in the default header of the theme. The steps might not work for the menu module or a header created with theme builder. By default there are no...
by | Jun 30, 2021 | Blog, Divi Tutorial
In this article I will share the steps to add a link to the Bottom Bar Footer in Divi theme. This tutorial is about the default footer of the Divi theme. This not related to the Theme Builder. 1. Edit the Bottom Bar Footer The bottom bar can be edited at Theme...
by | Jun 15, 2021 | Blog, Divi Tutorial
In this article I will share the steps to change the bullet list icon color in Divi theme. In the Divi theme you can set a custom color for text in lists. However there is no option to set a custom color specifically for the icon in the list. We can use custom css to...
by | May 30, 2021 | Blog, Divi Tutorial
In this article I will share how to add overlay to images in Divi using a free plugin. The plugin we will be using is Overlay Image Divi Module. It is a free plugin which is available for download from the WordPress plugin directory. The first step is to install...
by | Mar 20, 2021 | Blog, Divi Tutorial
In this article I will share the steps to remove text you see when you hover on images in Divi theme. When you hover over an image you will see the title of the image in a tool tip. Here is a screenshot of what the text looks like. This text is the Title Text of the...